Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Language Blends and Code Mixing

Language Blends
  1. Notebook (Note + Book)
  2. Blueberry (Blue + Berry)
  3. Workroom (Work + Room)
  4. Highlight (High + Light)
  5. Agitprop (Agitation + Propaganda)
  6. Alcopop (Alcohol + Pop)
  7. Bash (Bat + Mash)
  8. Biopic (Biography + Picture)
  9. Breathalyzer (Breath + Analyzer)
  10. Camcorder (Camera + Recorder)
  11. Chunnel (Channel + Tunnel)
  12. Chexting (Heating + Texting)
  13. Clash (Clap + Crash)
  14. Cosmeceutical (Cosmetic + Pharmaceutical)
  15. Docudrama (Documentary + Drama)
  16. Electrocute (Electricity + Execute)
  17. Emoticon (Emote + Icon)
  18. Faction (Fact + Fiction)
  19. Fanzine (Fan + Magazine)
  20. Flare (Flame + Glare)
  21. Flirtationship (Flirting + Relationship)
  22. Glimmer (Gleam + Shimmer)
  23. Globish (Global + English)
  24. Guitarthritis (Guitar + Arthritis)
  25. Infotainment (Information + Entertainment)
  26. Moped (Motor + Pedal)
  27. Palimony (Pal + Alimony)
  28. Pulsar (Pulse + Quasar)
  29. Sitcom (Situation + Comedy)
  30. Slanguage (Slang + Language)
  31. Smash (Smack + Mash)
  32. Sportscast (Sports + Broadcast)
  33. Stagflation (Stagnation + Inflation)
  34. Staycation (Stay home + Vacation)
  35. Telegenic (Television + Photogenic)
  36. Textpectation (Text message + Expectation)
  37. Workaholic (Work + Alcoholic)

Code Mixing
  1. Saya tidak bisa login ke email saya karena saya lupa password.
  2. Ibuku memberikan surprise pada saat adikku ulang tahun.
  3. Kamu tunggu sebentar saya sedang on the way ke tempat kamu berada.
  4. Saya merasa happy ketika sedang berkumpul bersama keluarga.
  5. Kita harus stand by 1 jam sebelumnya agar tidak terlambat masuk ujian.

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